Morro Negrito Yellowfin Tuna in December

We are getting warmed up for the season over here at Morro Negrito. A Yellowfin was nailed right off the rocks at Morro Negrito! Despite the small size of the YFT,  this is worth mentioning as it is pretty rare to see yellowfin so close to Morro Negrito. Soon we will be on Hannibal Bank and Montuosa with trip reports of monster tunas being landed 60 miles offshore.

Spearfishing Panama in October

It’s just not a good idea to go diving in Panama during the month of October. For those of you who are thinking about coming down in October, take a look at this video I shot this afternoon from Morro Negrito:

It’s been like this almost all week! Better off just avoiding the risk. Don’t get me wrong, there are some days when the weather is working. It just takes a few weeks for the ocean to settle down. Shoot us an email and we can give you better info on dates when the conditions will look more like this:

Panama rainy season

Most of the time diving the Gulf of Chiriqui during the rainy season isn’t a good idea due to poor weather conditions. Though, this team of Brazilian divers took their chances and had some success with mid-range trips to islands at about 25 miles offshore. Plenty of sashimi and smoked Pargo to go around! This trip was mainly about targeting the species you will see in the following photos: