Hannibal Bank/Isla Montuosa report

We did two day trips last week diving out on the Hannibal Bank and around Isla Montuosa.  The first trip was slow, but on the second trip we found the yellowfins with the spinner dolphins between Hannibal and Montuosa.  unfortunately we where not able to put one in the boat.  They where moving fast and where not in large numbers.  There was no shortage of a variety of pelagic species spotted though.  We had five encounters with various bill fish, as well as a sighting of a pair of Mahi, the bull being one of the biggest i have ever seen in person.  We spent a small part of the day diving around Isla Montuosa where we spotted a couple wahoo and where able to put some blue fin trevally and a couple pargo on the boat.  It looks like things are started to heat up out there!