Month: April 2016
spearfishing tuna – April 21-24
200 LBS yellowfin tuna – April 17-20
Panama tuna report – April 9-12
Monday morning we were heading back to Morro Negrito after a really slow morning on the bank and looking for dolphin by Jicaron, and we ran into a huge baitball. Maysara from Qatar hit a giant fish with the Ulusub 170 5 band gun and the riffe 3 atmos took off and totally dissapeared for a good 10 seconds finally surfacing with the fish torn off. Capt Eric dropped Muhammad right in the middle of a massive baitball, but he said all the fish were small and moving too fast for him to shoot. Just at the end of the afternoon I jumped in and got in front of a wall of 60-100 pound fish and was able to land an 80 pounder. It was a fishy three days with hard work and less than ideal visibility but all in all great fishing.